We’ve had quite the eventful past few days! Last week, poor Eva broke her leg. ☹ We were at the park and I went down the slide with her and halfway down, she started saying “Ow!”. She never cried she just kept saying that her leg hurt. I didn’t think it was broken because it was not bruised or swollen. I watched her over night and by the morning when she still couldn’t put any weight on it, I took her to the doctor. Sure enough she had broken her tibia (shin bone)! I felt so bad. She is one tough cookie, that’s for sure. She got a pretty pink cast on and is quite proud of it. However, she can’t figure out why everyone wants to sign it. ☺ It’s amazing to me how she can figure out how to get around in it. It sure hasn’t slowed her down at all! Thankfully she will only be in her cast 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately, the girls are in the middle of swim lessons. Eva is sad that she can’t continue but I promised her once her cast comes off, we’ll get her signed up again. Julia is doing great. She’s staying busy with school and cannot wait until this summer when we can get out on our boat again. The Yllescas girls are definitely water babies and we could spend the whole summer on the lake!! A reporter from the Lincoln Journal Star did a follow up interview with me last week and it was in the paper today. It was a pretty good article although I have yet to see one that is completely accurate. It says he also lost an arm, which isn’t true, but besides that, it wasn’t bad. Here is the link: http://journalstar.com/special-section/epilogue/article_9d59c5ef-bb1e-53c7-98f9-0c52d1acff25.html
I know I haven’t been writing much on here lately but there really isn’t a whole lot to report. The girls and I are staying busy but it’s usually nothing exciting enough to report. ☺ I still continue to feel so blessed with the continued love and support the girls and I are receiving. Thank you all so much for keeping us in your prayers. There’s not a day go by that we don’t think of and miss Rob but we know he’s always with us and smiling down upon us. Life must go on for us and that is exactly what he would want.